ATM Madness

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Published on April 3, 2015

It’s 11:30 in the morning, and that bacon, egg, and cheese you’ve been craving since your three hour chemistry class is calling your name. You go to reach into your wallet, and come to the realization that you have no cash, only debit. That long walk from Beacon hall to Lafayette hall just to take out twenty dollars will have you losing your appetite, not to mention the ATM charges and arm and leg for a transaction fee.

The need for Housatonic to make a push for either more ATMs around the school or being able to use your debit card in the the cafeteria is vital. Here at Housatonic, if you don’t have cash, be prepared to walk what feels like an eternity to the ATM just to take out 20 dollars for a sandwich.

Venoy Morgan and Chassidy Fernandez, both students at Housatonic, were very enthusiastic about the ATM dilemma. “It’s a hassle to walk all the way across the school just to take out twenty dollars for a three dollar meal. If the cafeteria would accept debit cards I feel like they would have more business,” Morgan said.

If the cafeterias begin to take debit cards, business would sky rocket! “I usually don’t carry money on me, so I always have my card. To go to the ATM just to get money for food really isn’t even worth it. It would be way more easier for me, and probably all the other students around if we can just swipe our cards at the register,” Fernandez said.

Being able to swipe your card at the register rather than take out money from the ATM with a transaction fee of two dollars and fifty cents would be beneficial in so many ways. Students are spending more money at the ATM then the actual cafeteria. Having the option to use your debit card at Housatonic would be a bonus and make all students lives less stressful. Students would be happier and won’t have to go to class hungry anymore. Let the students swipe!