Join Us in Welcoming the New Horizons

Written by and
Published on October 25, 2014

In an effort to better serve Housatonic students, the Horizons staff would like you to join us in celebrating the launch of the new Horizons, our student newspaper.

We're excited to reveal a new way of better serving our readers!

We’re excited to reveal new ways we’re better serving our readers!

What’s new about the student newspaper? Well, for one thing, we are now a completely online news outlet for all things HCC.

Your new and easily accessible news source will allow the Horizons staff to publish informative, up-to-date news items a few times a week or more. Instead of the normal three print publications per semester, we will now be able to stay current and keep you up to date.

Through our social media presence, you will have a chance to comment, critique, and take part in your student news site. As part of an interactive college community, you the student, for the very first time, can let us know what you want to see more of, or less of in your publication. We invite you to take part in making Horizons a successful HCC community project. We need your help.  We are here as your voice.

The staff hopes you will use this chance to help us serve you better. Of course, as with most things, you can’t satisfy all of the people all of the time, but we promise to do our best to keep an open mind and do our very best to make you a part of this work in progress.

You are invited to join us, express your views, and help us make Horizons the best college news experience it can possibly be.

Keep up with what’s new by liking us on Facebook at Housatonic Horizons or following us on Twitter (@HCCHorizons).  Help us to get the word out by sharing and re-tweeting your favorite articles.  Email us directly at [email protected] with letters to the editors or to have your original non-fiction writing considered for publication.

Help us achieve our goal of becoming the voice of each and every one of YOU!


Sherly Montes, Editor-in-Chief

Neil Knox, Managing Editor