Cash Doesn’t Have To Rule Everything Around You
There are funds at HCC reserved for students in need! The HCC Foundation offers scholarships and services solely for your well being, especially in the midst of the current pandemic. It’s important they hear more from students directly, so they can aid you more effectively.
Do you lack a connection to the internet or means to complete your coursework as a result of not being able to pay an electricity bill? Have you ever been unable to focus on class because you didn’t have food at home and you were hungry? Have you paid your tuition but don’t have enough to cover your books?
Kristy Jelenick, the Executive Director of HCC’s Foundation, is actively working on finding ways she can provide those kinds of needs. “We want to support all the ways we can get the student on their right path,” she says.
This assistance comes in different forms. It may be a gift card for something to eat or a check for that bill. Overheard student concerns resulted in a donation of Chromebooks that are being distributed for online learning. So much more can be offered if more individuals express their barriers.
Even before the pandemic, emergency funds have always been available through the program. Giving Day is a fundraising event hosted by the HCC Foundation where a large portion of the emergency funds are raised. While we practice online learning, you can find other information at Click “Emergency Funds” on the bottom of the left column to find the application.