Imagine everything you’ve been working for to get that dream job. All of your talents, your intense passion, the countless hours in school, and crappy shifts you’ve endured to acquire […] Continue Reading
In cities with unique characteristics like Bridgeport, the least explored areas tend to hold the most promise and intrigue. Bridgeport is grounds for fascinating sights in little known places. Many […] Continue Reading
There’s a famous quote by George Bernard Shaw that reads, “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” With that quote in mind consider the following Twitter post. […] Continue Reading
I am a young African American man, and I am one of the few minorities who believe Kaepernick’s protest is executed poorly. Kaepernick has refused to stand during the national […] Continue Reading
Far too many students are wasting their money. Many HCC students have innocently purchased a new version of Microsoft Office completely unaware of their free access to Office 365. The […] Continue Reading
Those planning to travel to Morocco in Spring 2017 and Greece in summer 2017 as part of Housatonic’s Study Abroad Program can set up a payment plan or use a […] Continue Reading
Here at HCC, there are a multitude of programs, clubs, and classes that students can sign up for in order to enrich their minds and bodies. Most of these outlets […] Continue Reading