Life is Strange is a video game formatted as a TV show where you have to make almost impossible decisions that will alter the course of the storyline. It is […] Continue Reading
It’s not every day where a musician releases an album and skyrockets to No. 1., especially in over 80 countries across the globe, not to mention this historical moment happening […] Continue Reading
Finals season is always a time of stress; everyone is cramming for their tests, staying up all night for those last minute projects, wondering what to take next semester, and […] Continue Reading
Growing up, I thought that my high school years would include fun-filled weekends at concerts and parties with my friends. Man, was I wrong. For my friends and I who […] Continue Reading
If you found yourself noticing how many a television show in the last five years has someone who looks, talks, loves, and prays like you, it just may just be […] Continue Reading
During this year’s BET Hip Hop Awards rapper Big Krit gave a powerful spoken word performance addressing police brutality, joining the ranks of countless musicians who have spoken out about […] Continue Reading
Music filled the Performing Arts Center while the audience sat on both sides of a set that resembled both a courtroom and a “dream.” Before the performance of the HCC […] Continue Reading
On Monday May 9 in Beacon Hall, Housatonic offered a viewing of the documentary, “Can We Take a Joke?,” a film analyzing and pinpointing the idea and question of whether […] Continue Reading
In the age of digital media, physical media is starting to fade out like the VHS. Yes it is easier to just download your media or stream to your device […] Continue Reading
There are many new movies that will premiere in the later half of 2016. Here’s the top five most anticipated movies for this year. The number five pick is Suicide […] Continue Reading